$(document).ready(function () { var audio = new Audio(); audio.src = "/games/files/audio/click.mp3"; var counter=0; const message = [ 'Please! Don\'t click', 'Do NOT click!', 'Can you read?', 'Stop clicking!', 'STOP', 'Hey! Stop!', 'Stop it NOW!', 'Stop!', 'S', 'T', 'O', 'P', 'Are you deaf?', 'ha?', 'OK, click', 'OK, click on ', 'OK, click on me!', 'Woow!', 'You like it!', 'Right!', 'I am big.', 'I am big and fat heart.', 'Bigger that you.', 'You are small.', 'Ok.', 'It was fun.', 'But now, stop.', 'Stop cliking on me!', 'Please, I beg you.', 'Why aren\'t you looking at the website?', 'Our website is new.', 'We have some games here.', 'Our latest release is?', 'Do you know the name of the game?', 'RPG Conquer the World', 'Click here to show the game', 'Click here to show the game', 'Click here to show the game', 'Click here to show the game', 'Why didn\'t you click on the page of the game?', 'This is you last chance:', 'Click here #1', 'Click here #2', 'Click here #3', '3x is enough.', 'But you didn\'t click ...', 'I am sad.', '', '', '', 'OK. You don\'t listen to me.', 'It is time to see the page of this game.', 'You can start here', 'Read all about the game', 'Look at the screenshots', 'Information is here', 'Contact us!', 'Follow us on social sites!', 'Join our mailing list!', 'And that\'s all.', 'Now STOP clicking on me!', 'I am warrning YOU!', 'I will dismiss ...', 'And you won\'t find me.', 'I am getting lost now!', 'I am vanishing now!', 'I am transparent now!', 'Do you see me?', 'OK.', 'You found me!', 'You are so good!', 'I like you!', 'I love you!', 'Don\'t break my heart!', 'And please, leave me alone...', 'Stop pushing me!', 'I want to have an equal relationship.', 'You\'re limiting me.', 'Give me some space.', 'I want to go outside!', 'To drink whisky.', 'Fall in love!', 'Not with you. You are ugly.', 'Because you clicking on me!', 'You\'re annoying me!', 'Stop it!', 'I\'m really angry!', 'Now I\'ll show you!', 'DOWN!', 'UP!', 'DOWN!', 'UP!', 'DOWN!', 'UP!', 'WHAT?', 'OK', 'You have clicked 96x already.', '97', '98', '99', '99', '99', '99', 'ha ha ha!', '104', '105', '0', 'STOP IT!', 'OK. Try now!', 'And now!', 'And now!', 'And?', 'And?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?!?', 'I don\'t want to play with you!', 'Now I will be silent.', 'Click on me if you want.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Are you happy?', 'OK, and now we are at the beginning.', 'You will stop clicking ...', '... and I will not break.', '... not break!', '... break!', 'BREAK!', 'BREAK!', 'What have you done?', 'You broke my heart!', 'This is too much!', 'END!', 'GAME OVER', 'GAME OVER', 'Shut down your browser.', 'OK. Good bye!', 'Have a nice day!', 'I quit!', 'NOW', 'You found me. Bitch!', 'Click!', 'Click!', ]; $('#heart-first').click(function(){ $('#heart-stage').removeClass('d-none'); $(this).addClass('invisible'); $('#heart-stage').addClass("heart-stage"); $("#counter").html(parseInt($("#counter").text())+1); }); $('#heart img').click(function(){ audio.play(); $(".bubble").html(message[counter]); if (counter>13 && counter<20){ heartw=parseInt($("#heart img").attr("width")); heartw=heartw+50; $("#heart img").attr("width",heartw); } if (counter==25){$("#heart img").attr("width","50");} if (counter==52){$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $("#top").offset().top}, 0);} if (counter==53){$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $("#description").offset().top}, 0);} if (counter==54){$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $("#screenshots").offset().top}, 0);} if (counter==55){$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $("#info").offset().top}, 0);} if (counter==56){$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $("#contact").offset().top}, 0);} if (counter==58){$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $("#mailing").offset().top}, 0);} if (counter==65){$("#heart").addClass('opacity-75');} if (counter==66){$("#heart").addClass('opacity-50');$("#heart").removeClass('opacity-75');} if (counter==67){$("#heart").addClass('opacity-25');$("#heart").removeClass('opacity-50');} if (counter==68){$("#heart").addClass('opacity-0');$("#heart").removeClass('opacity-25'); $("#heart img").attr("width","350"); } if (counter==69){$("#heart").removeClass('opacity-0');} if (counter>69 && counter<82){ heartw=parseInt($("#heart img").attr("width")); heartw=heartw-25; $("#heart img").attr("width",heartw); } if (counter==88) {$(window).scrollTop(y+6000);} if (counter==89) {$(window).scrollTop(y-6000);} if (counter==90) {$(window).scrollTop(y+6000);} if (counter==91) {$(window).scrollTop(y-6000);} if (counter==92) {$(window).scrollTop(y+6000);} if (counter==93) {$(window).scrollTop(y-6000);} if (counter>107 && counter<116){ heartw=parseInt($("#heart img").attr("width")); heartw=heartw-5; $("#heart img").attr("width",heartw); } if (counter==117){$("#heart img").attr("width","1000");} if (counter==118){$("#heart img").attr("width","150");} if (counter==121){$("#heart .bubble").addClass("d-none");} if (counter==131){$("#heart img").attr("width","50"); $("#heart .bubble").removeClass("d-none");} if (counter==136){$("#heart img").attr("src","/games/images/heart-break-01.svg");$("#heart img").attr("width","150");} if (counter==137){$("#heart img").attr("src","/games/images/heart-break-02.svg");$("#heart img").attr("width","250");} if (counter==138){$("#heart img").attr("src","/games/images/heart-break-03.svg");$("#heart img").attr("width","350");} if (counter>141 && counter<149){ heartw=parseInt($("#heart img").attr("width")); heartw=heartw-5; $("#heart img").attr("width",heartw); } if (counter==150) { $('#heart-first').removeClass('invisible'); $('#heart-stage').addClass('d-none'); $("#heart img").attr("src","/games/images/heart.svg");$("#heart img").attr("width","50"); $('#heart').removeAttr("style"); } if (counter==156){$("#heart .bubble").addClass("d-none");} w=$('#heart').outerWidth(); h=$('#heart').outerHeight(); ww=$(window).width(); wh=$(window).height(); pw=(1-w/ww)*100; ph=(1-h/wh)*100; x=Math.random()*pw + w/ww*100/2; y=Math.random()*ph + h/wh*100/2; posx="left"; //if (x>50) {posx="right"; x=100-x;} posy="top"; //if (y>50) {posy="bottom"; y=100-y;} $(this).parent().attr("style",posx+":"+x+"%; "+posy+":"+y+"%;"); console.log(counter); counter++; $("#counter").html(parseInt($("#counter").text())+1); }); });